Extra Events
Saturday 1st February 2025
With : Janet Johnston
International Psychic Medium
Arrive 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm start
£10 per person
Booking Essential with Tibby or Jane : 01508 520184
Tea,coffee and biscuits available
Bring your own Alcohol
Cash Only
Klever Kelvins Kwizz
18th Jan 2025
6.30 p.m. doors open
7.00 p.m.start
£4.00 per person with teams a max of 6 people
Book on 01508 520184 ( Jayne or Tibby )
Hot Drinks and Nibbles provided
Please state any allergies when booking
Bring your own Alcohol :)
Regular Events
Spud Club
Open to All
Date in Month | |
- | 03/01/2025 |
- | 07/02/2025 |
March | - | 07/03/2025 |
April | - | 04/04/2025 |
May | - | 02/05/2025 |
June | - | 06/06/2025 |
Tea , Coffee and Cake
Bric a Brac
No Charge - Voluntary Donations Accepted
Raffle ( £1.00 per strip of tickets )
09:00 to 10:00
Pilates is a series of exercises designed to build strength of the core muscles to improve flexibility, balance and posture
Mixed ability Mat Pilates classes
Jive classes
Wednesday nights
Held at Langley with Hardley Village Hall, you can come along and either learn or improve your Modern Jive.
You don't need a partner, the classes are relaxed and the figures easy to do - it's great fun and fantastic exercise. Only £6.00 per person.
Why not come along on the 21st at 8pm and give it at try?